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#25 - The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

#25 - The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

Regular price $5.00 USD
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The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a boy from a wealthy family in Kabul, Afghanistan, and his complicated relationship with Hassan, the son of his father’s servant. As Amir grows older, he struggles with the guilt of not standing up for Hassan during a traumatic event, which leads to a deep rift between them. After the fall of Afghanistan’s monarchy and the rise of the Taliban, Amir emigrates to the United States, eventually returning to Afghanistan to confront his past. The novel explores themes of friendship, betrayal, guilt, redemption, and the impact of political turmoil on personal lives. The Kite Runner is frequently banned or challenged due to its depiction of sexual assault, religious criticism, ethnic tensions and political instability.

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